මෙන්න ගේනවා Audio Edite කරන්න නියම බාන්ඩයක්. මේක නියම පොඩි සොෆ්ට්වේර් කැල්ලක් එත් වැඩ නියමයි. මේකෙන් audios එඩිට් කරන්න වගේම audio එකක් හදන්නත් පුළුවන් තව රෙකෝඩ් කරන්නත් පුළුවන්
* Recorder supports autotrim and voice activated recording
* Music editing functions include cut, copy, paste, delete, insert, silence, autotrim and more
* Music restoration features including noise reduction and click pop removal
* Special effects include reduce vocals, distortion, chorus and more
* Batch processing allows you to apply effects and/or convert your files as a single function
* Set bookmarks along multiple files as you work
* Create and work on multiple sound files at one time and save them as one project
* Supports sample rates from 6000 to 96000Hz, stereo or mono, 8, 16, 24 or 32 bits
* Pre-defined sound quality suggestions when saving files such as CD Quality and Radio Quality
* Tools include spectral analysis (FFT) and speech synthesis (text to speech)
* Load music files directly from CD
* Ability to work with multiple music files at the same time in seperate screens
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